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As much as any human heart cries out because if the suffering of any human being, I must speak up and note something that could help be Mechazik our Emunah and yiras shomayim.

The tragedy in Haiti is clearly a case of MIDAH KINEGED MIDA.

The OFFICIAL religion of Haiti was Voodoo (also called Vodoun), which is a deprived religion that includes worshipping spirits and “Animal sacrifices, which represents the partaking of the blood, include chicken, goats, and bulls.” Furthermore, Much of the vodoo ceremonies would be considered as REAL ?????.

In other words, as heartbreaking as it is, “yesh din ve’yesh dayin”. Like the rule that “haolom nidan lifi ruboy”, each country is judged according the majority. The majority are LITERALLY Ovdei Avoda Zorah.

We do NOT profess to know Hashem’s ways, but it is our obligation to learn from His actions. Who knows if the bloodies corpses are not a punishment for the blood of their blood offerings?

Additionally, Haiti stood out Lishimtzah, two other ways. 1) In their “voodoo” religion Mishkav Zochor was officially sanctioned, and 2) The paramilitary in Haiti, known as the “Tonton Macoute”, were considered the most brutal in the Americas, and numbered over 300,000. They would cut out the heart and eyes of their victims. Unfortunately, the country is soaked in blood.

In any case I’m a bit surprised that nobody mentioned the Gemara in ????? ??. that says the reason for ????? ‘EARTHQUAKES” is according to Rav Noson “???? ????? ????? ???????? ???? ?? ???????”. Rashi explains: ?????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???.

Even more interesting is the fact that the Gemara there brings a reason for earthquakes from none other than a ????. His name was ???? ????, This surely would require more research.
