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I don’t think this post was about mossering, was it? It was about the principal being asked by students, who it was that he farhered for the next year, and telling them. While I don’t think it was probably a proper move, that is a far cry from accusing him of encouraging boys to be moser on each other.

Mom12 and mybat, both highlighted a problem, however, that I think is very serious in the Yeshivahs today. First of all, no principal should ever discuss a potential talmid with another talmid, before having met him. Children are not adults’ confidantes. He probably should not do so anyway, even if they have already met, because it can lead to loshon hara, unless there is a valid reason for the discussion. Second, no student should be spying on another one in or out of school and then reporting to the hanhalah. It is especially creepy when the spied upon student is not in school. I know someone to whom this happened. She was out bowling with her (male) cousin, a not so frum boy who was visiting from out of town. Within two hours of being seen by her friend from school, the mother of the first girl (and aunt of the boy) received a call from her daughter’s Yeshivah informing her that her daughter was seen by a classmate, out in public with a scruffy-looking boy, and they thought she needed to know. The mother calmly informed them that this was her nephew,she sent them out to the bowling alley herself, and the person who called the school (and so quickly) was guilty of L”H, and they would spend their time better in teaching their students the hilchos of rechilus, motzi shem ra, and L”H, than teaching their girls how to spy on each other.