Reply To: Yeshiva Principal Enforcing No-Cell-Phone Policy; Proper Or Not?

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Yeshiva Principal Enforcing No-Cell-Phone Policy; Proper Or Not? Reply To: Yeshiva Principal Enforcing No-Cell-Phone Policy; Proper Or Not?


oomis…this topic is about phones in yeshiva, so when i say against phones, i mean phones in yeshiva.

as for “But if it is already being done, then clearly there was a reason for it”

that’s not necessarily true

“The fact is, if they have nothing to hide, they will not have a problem”

would you have a problem with a cop searching your house for drugs just because he could? i am sure you have nothing to hide…

“They can only be used for nefarious purposes during class”

love the use of “nefarious”

“Kids today believe they will DIE without their text messaging”

don’t i know it…i had a kid in my class who sent something like 16,000 (yes, thousand) texts per month!