Reply To: Which Yeshiva?


so criticize away…there is free speech (to an extent) allowed on this forum…im giving the pros of chofetz chaim as i know them (as a person who went there and had a great experience) but the cons are simply, maybe chofetz chaim just isnt for you. as for r’ shaya cohen…hehehe…he must have said “there are many mekomos of torah but CC is the only yeshiva” lol he has a point, its the closest to a real yeshiva experience (in terms of what yeshivos used to be, and in terms of a personal relationship with your rebbeim) that you will see almost anywhere. but like chesedname said, you have to discuss this with your rav (or your current rebbi who will be less biased than r’ shaya cohen) i know my rebbi didnt overadvertize CC if he felt it wasnt the right yeshiva for the bochur. we cant really help you here because we dont really know you, we only know about our yeshiva experiences…but every person is different and every person needs something else from their yeshiva.