Reply To: Which Yeshiva?


haha wow this is getting heated. Let’s take it from the top…

Chesedname: my local orthodox rabbi doesn’t even know my name I doubt he can decide what yeshiva I go to with confidence.

Haifagirl: I have a hunch you’re a girl, I dunno what gives it away lol. but no offense I don’t think you could judge how good CC guys are in at learning vs other yeshivas, which leads me to my next point.

Someone can do daf yomi 2 times and know shaas cold and can quote us gemaras from who knows where and we’ll all ooh and ahh but I don’t think that’s considered learning. It takes a Lamdan to know one. so I personally don’t feel that I have the ability to judge which yeshiva produces better learners…which is why I’m asking you guys 🙂

Henoch: hahaha my dad wants me to go to gush!!! so yes I’ve spoken to my parents and I definitely do not like what they say.

Shlomozalman: That’s exactly what I feel, if CC is so great where are all it’s gedolie hador, and also does that mean that the 5000 people in the mir don’t know how to learn? somethings a bit krum there which is kinda ironic because CC is so against krum-ness

arc: by first year beis medresh I don’t think anyone knows how to learn. Does that mean everybody should go to CC until they learn how to learn? and also who says you can’t learn to learn in other yeshivas?

ChofetzChaim: I like the quote but I feel like R’ Shaya Cohen said that lol…Just kidding. I do agree with the quote but does that disqualify all other yeshivas and make CC the only one that equips you with the tools to battle the nisyonos we face today?

Bombmaniac: I agree with you that CC’s style of learning is very appealing, I actually enjoy it a lot, but then again I like learning in general. You could stick me in a bais yaakov navi class and I’ll enjoy it lol (maybe not but you get my point). I was in the Mir in Israel in the summer and they learn solid there as well. I’m just trying to get a grasp of the pros and cons of most major yeshivas out there. I don’t necessarily wanna hear a giant bashing of CC.

Thanks everyone for the CONSTRUCTIVE input so far its much appreciated.