Reply To: Which Yeshiva?


Oh boy I can’t resist, though I should.

WhyNotME: how can you qualify “if I ask people from other yeshivas they all say that other yeshivas can in fact learn better then CC”. What does that even mean?? Kuli alma lo pligi CC has a derech halimud which is unique, in todays day and age. Theres is a huge emphasis on iyun and CC’s type of iyun. How can you compare to those who emphasize covering more blatt or a different understanding of iyun (ailu vailu)? Who is one to decide what is better let alone other yeshiva guys who obviously have a nigeya because that is the way they learn.

You have to ask yourself (push your buttons 😉 as to what works better for you. You are not going to get CC style iyun anywhere else.

In terms of R’ Cohen and it is hard to explain what he meant w/o hearing what he said in it’s entirety. But I have a feeling he was talking to YOU, and for you alone. Given your background and circumstances I assume his message was you just came from co-ed and are somewhat fragile yes you may feel very energized but your foundation as merely a teenager can’t be very strong especially given your circumstances. Hence the therefor don’t go bouncing between yeshivas, get settled irrelevant how you ended up where you are but lemaysa your in a CC branch and need stability! You need to be grounded. You are at risk of floating between yeshivas, you like this flavor you don’t like that one etc… CC is not alone, but there are a limited number of Yeshivas that do the whole “cycle” HS, BM, Kollel etc..A lot of yeshivas have HS and a couple years of BM then off to E”Y for a couple years then head to Lakewood. Running that system runs the risk of never getting a clear hadracha, you can end up with a chulent of different hashkofos and even worse may end up without a clear Rebbi muvhak to help you through life, most certainly the start of it (dating, marriage etc..). To me that is a clear cut advantage the system CC has and I am sure other yeshivas out there do this as well but this is not the “main stream” “mehalach” And since you are in such a system, and given your background you seem like you can use some stability. So stay put and enjoy the ride 🙂

To all the CC guys trying to push the “We’re the best and only yeshiva that can learn or learn mussar yada yada yada” Your embarrassing the rest of us. It is beyond ludicrous, and I will not enumerate on all the points, but talk like this is so distasteful, and more importantly WRONG! Ailu VAily Divray elokim chaim. And your talk just distances Achdus not encourages it, makes CC like a cult as I was saying it’s ridiculous!