Reply To: Shidduch, I want ….They want ….

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduch, I want ….They want …. Reply To: Shidduch, I want ….They want ….


For this reason, I stand by what I said, that this question is very complicated, and Das Torah should be consulted because of the individuality of every situation, calling for individual responses.

Ir, perhaps you can clarify your position for me, because I’m a bit confused. Are you suggesting that a person must consult (and follow) “Da’as Torah” for every shidduch that they are redt? Are you saying that they have to consult a rav before saying “yes” or “no” to a date?

If that’s the case, then I must severely disagree with you. I believe that no one knows a single (and what he or she wants) better than themselves. Not the parents and surely not the family rav or a gadol (or whomever qualifies as “Da’as Torah” for you). Can they advise and guide? Surely, and I think that their input can be valuable. But to decide for the single? No — a million times no!

The Wolf