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Ben Levi

Oomis think you will will agree that making a parnosa is a very good thing yet the Rambam followed by the Shulchan Aruch all the way down to the Aruch HaShulachan pasken if one’s job forces them to be in a situation of Yichud they are required to give their job and find another.

I personally was present when one of the greatest Poskim in America whos seforim are basic texts for those studying for semicha (incidentally one who gets drunk on Purim) stated that the internet is destroying homes, families and children left and right and it is prohibited to have unfiltered access in ones home. As an aside he mentioned “And even if one needs it for their parnosa who says it’s mutar?

It was some years ago so I can not say for sure if my memory serves me correct by I think he went on to say that he will not go into it because people will not loisten to him.

I B”H was zoche to learn by Gedolim as well talmidim of Gedolim all of whom advocated “drunkeness” on Purim and all of whom prohibited unfiltered access to the Internet.

When I was a bochur I needed a cell phone because I was dating I am quite proud to be able to say I got a personal Heter from my Rosh Yeshiva zt’l who when I have been told in his youger years used to give a shmuess on Purim holding a Bottle of wine.

It is people like that who’s every action and decision was dictated by Halacha and soley by Halacha who must serve as the Leaders of the present generation.

If it would only be so then I am quite firm in the belief unrestricted access to the internet would be as common in the holmes of Bnei Torah as TV and all would be drunk on Purim and Moshiach wopuld come sooner because of it.

As the song from MBD goes “there will be singing dancig laughing” an apt description of a drunken yeshiva bochurs Purim.