Reply To: General Shmooze 2

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moish-u are overwhelmed with ideas here, but could i add 1 more? why don’t you try yeshiva zichron aryea in Far Rockaway -its a branch of chofetz chaim,but not only typical boys go there….it has some interesting types of boys there…i know quite a few boys who went there who sound like you and they grew tremendously–the mayla of it that there are great guys there also and a great kollel with shtark boys,so you can have a kesher with some chilled out older boys. the only problem is it is bais medrish age(but i think if you would ask they might let a 12th grader in) but i think they recently started a high school, with like 15 boys for boys who dont “fit the mold” (moish -nothing against you-i am just saying based on how you portray yourself) hatzlacha btw the whole yeshiva probably is not more then 40 boys…if you want any more info ask and we will figure out how to get the info over to u