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Pesach Night in Mitzrayim, about midnight

the Destroyer kills the firstborn mitzrim and passes over the Jews.

the Jews have “painted” their doorposts and lintels with the blood of the egyptian “dieties”, the sheep. an act that cannot help but produce intense hatred of the Jews. but this is what Hashem commanded.

the Jews are told to stay in their homes the Seder night, and to lock their doors.


the Destroyer (or Hashem Himself) needs blood to locate the homes of the Jews?

The Destroyer cant get into a home with closed doors. the doors of the mitzrim didnt protect them.

locking the doors? again, to keep the Malach out?

on this night, Hashem is readying His People, His Holy Nation, chosen to be His, a separate People, who will live by the Torah and nothing else but the Torah. He commands they shall do the very act (the slaughtering and brazen application of the blood of their ‘diety”) which will cause the Mitzrim to be repelled and withdraw from them. to separate from the nations, to close and lock their doors to complete and symbolize their desire for separation. to remain in their homes where a Great Kedushah would descend upon them on this first Seder Night.

and every Seder Night since then, a great Kedushah descends upon the Jewish People and upon Jewish Homes, the family Battai Mikdoshim. those who are ready for it, who want nothing but Hashem, their Father, to take them as His, and who take Hashem as the only thing they desire, they will experience the Kedushah.