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Drugs impair people and under the inlfuence they harm to others.

One example is that case of the Jewish guy who was just executed in Florida and many

excused him saying “It’s not his fault it was the drugs, he was on”.

One could make the very same argument about alcohol. Why should narcotics be different in this regard? Or are you in favor of prohibition as well?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Alcohol has legitimate uses such a swine on Shabbos and Pesach.

drughs like Cocaine have no legitimate use.

;;;;;;;;;;;;Whether legal or illegal, drugs are traffiked by organized crime.

I think you’re wrong here. They are trafficked by organized crime because they are illegal. If they were legal, they would be regulated on an open market, much as alcohol is today. ::::::::::::

I’m not wrong as I will, show below.

;;;;;;;;;;;If leagl they are increasingly taxed and the Mob simply maked billions by selling it on the street without paying the tax.

Do you see a lot of mob activity involved in tax-free beer?;;;;;;;;;;

There is plenty in Ciggerrettes and Gasoline from which the mob makes billions per month just in NY and New Jerseey.

;;;;;;;;;;;Users to, pay or it (and with taxes it will never be ‘cheap’) break into peoples houses and rob and sometimes kill for the money to keep getting high.

You could say the same about alcohol, cigarettes and other addictive substances. However, that doesn’t happen for a reason. The reason is economics.;;;;;;;;;;

No one breaks intio someones hoem to get his “Ciggerrette fix” but a meth addict will.

Anmd an alcoholic would not succeed, he’d be too drunk.

:::::::::::When drugs are illegal, the dealer takes substantial risk in trafficking in the drugs. To compensate him/her for this risk, higher prices are charged. Since the drugs are very expensive, it is likewise expensive to maintain a habit.

If drugs were legal (as alcohol and cigarettes are), there would be more open competition on the market. This would drive prices down. In addition, if the drugs were regulated, then there would be no need for the dealer to take the risk — people would buy the drugs at lower prices on the regulated market. ;;;;;;;;;;

cigarettes are over 7 dollars a pack (perhaps 10 dollars in some places, up to half of that price (or more?) is just for taxes.

The mob can sell them at half price and make a bundle.

;;;;;;;;;;;In the end, you’d have people stealing to buy drugs — at about the same rate that people steal for other legal substances today — which is not much.;;;;;;;;;;

The addictions and motivations to get the next fix are extremly different, any drug treatment counselor or doctor can confirm this for you.

;;;;;;;;;;Mind you, I’m NOT in favor of legalizing drugs. But the arguments you put forth are just wrong.’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

You ‘thought’ they were wrong, that does not make them wrong.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The Wolf