Reply To: Yeshiva Tuition


please explain yourself.


Yeshiva sees parents are currently paying X for tuition per student(let’s just say $8000 to pick a number out of thin air). So, current tuition is $8K per student.

Now, let’s say the city kicks in $6K (again, just to pick a number out of thin air) per student. You are expecting yeshivos to lower tuition to $2K (to cover the difference). I contend that that will not happen. Yeshivos will see that parents are still capable of paying $8K (or close to it) for tuition and will simply raise tuition by $4-6K per student, since most parents can pay more than $2K per year per student.

And I’m still waiting for *you* to explain why you think the city should kick anything in when education is a state mandate, not a city one.

The Wolf