Reply To: Yeshiva Tuition


It should also be pointed out that the taxes argument is a false one for three reasons:

1. The state is fulfilling it’s educational mandate to you. The mandate is to provide any child in the state with a public school education. The offer is there for you or I to avail ourselves of. The fact that we choose not to avail ourselves of it doesn’t change the fact that they are fulfilling their mandate.

2. We don’t assess taxes based on usage. You pay the same amount for the police department, fire department, EMS, sanitation, etc. regardless of whether you call them every other day or not at all over the course of the year. Likewise, everyone pays for education regardless of whether they have kids in the school, have kids who have since graduated or even never had kids at all.

3. Lastly, you aren’t entitled to your own private institutions. You don’t get to ask the city to fund Hatzoloh because you want a religious ambulance service, do you? You don’t get to ask the city to fund Shomrim because you want a religious police force, right? Likewise, you don’t get to ask the state to fund yeshivos just because you want a religious education.

The Wolf