Reply To: Gehenom

Home Forums Bais Medrash Gehenom Reply To: Gehenom



A word of caution. From what you say about your friends questions and answers, you really need to have a rov / rebbetzin / madreches (or whatever the female term is) to make sure you are not adversly affected by this friendship. One of the phrases I like to repeat is “da mah shetoshiv l’apikores” (know what to answer the non-believer)

It does not mean you need to answer each question, and in fact some questions do not deserve a response. WE need to know what the answers are (and sometimes the answer is “just because”), but not necessarily engage someone in a debate.

2nd – This is not directed at you, per se, but to me as well. Kiruv for the average person MUST BE GENDER BASED. Which means, if you are newly minted seminary graduate, focus on the women in your influence circle. Leave the men to the BMG boys (and vice versa). Discussions like this (emunah, schar v’oinesh, ect) can lead to a deep relationship, one that is loaded with dangerous side-effects if the pair is not from the same side of the mechitza.

At any rate, keep up the good work and keep striving for answers.