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BTW, the comment casting aspersions on the frumkeit of Rabbi Weiss, is one of the more typical remarks made by people who are otherwise fine people, but seem intolerant of people whose share a differing view of Orthodoxy.Not everyone who is frum is chareidi, or yeshivish frum. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE NOT FRUM, EHRLICHE YIDDEN. If someone is 100% shomer shabbos, strictly kosher, and the woman he married goes to mikveh regularly, he is frum. If he is also careful in his financial and social dealings with people, he is frum. He may differ in his approach in some areas, may or may not have a beard, may or may not have the same hashkafa that you do, but that does not lessen his frumkeit.

The negative judgmentalism that is marchik one Jew from another, is IMO a more serious problem facing Klal Yisroel today, than whether or not a woman is capable and deserving to be respected for her knowledge of Torah. Rabbi Weiss made a mistake by taking his opinion in that area a little too “out there,” but he realized it, took responsibility, and rectified the mistake, and I respect him for that (it had to be very humbling for him). I would like to see some of the more chareidi people admit when THEY have gone too far (like shoving a woman around on a bus).