Reply To: Honesty In 'Redding Shiduchim' RE: Weight

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yeshivaguy222, I feel for you cuz I hated dating for “nothing”, its headache, heartache and waste of time. Many shadchanim like to “get a date”. I want you to know though, that there are many times when a shidduch happens and a couple gets engaged, that the boy or girl would say – had I known _______ before I never would’ve agreed to meet him. Sometimes, yes, a boy can be attracted to a girl for her personality, maturity, sense of humor even though she has is not exactly what he pictures or invisioned in a girl.

I have a relitive that did not want a boy with a beard. She insisted the boy be cleanshaven. It is something she asked in info and if she heard he had a beard then she didnt meet the guy no matter what else she heard about him. Well she was set up with a boy that had a beard even though she was told he didn’t. She was very upset when he walked through the door. Guess what they are married. Pple were in shock by the L’chaim cuz EVERYONE knew this was something she really put her foot down about.