Reply To: Leasing a Car

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As someone in the business

1. Long term ownership is only as good as the maintenance and treatment of the first owner. This brings me to point two.

2. Why buy someone elses headache. More often then not owners fail to do the basic standard maintenance till the car is worn down.

3. Leasing a car may actually make economic sense because the monthly payment is usually cheaper then financing a comparable vehicle.

4. There is usually a “deal” of some sort for the type of vehicle most people look for.

5. Chances are most people who cant afford to lease probably don’t have the cash to pay for a reliable and well maintained used car.

6. Wear care cost can usually be avoided/or lowered, if the owner doing basic repairs before turning the car in.

7. I would look around the neighborhood and see who people lease from and call around/ ask those neighbors what their experience was. A good leasing company isn’t about “best price” it is also about responsiveness, understanding what your needs are, and answering your questions. Price, is just one factor but it doesn’t tell you much about your future experience.Also, advertisements cost money, whom do you think that money is coming from?

Good luck in your shopping