Reply To: Mental Health

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Clearheaded -Not everybody who is mentally ill can’t control themselves and are Putter. Some can and some can’t. Stop trying to paint every mental patient the same

This is my opinion – if you don’t like it lump it – that mental illness is not an excuse unless someone can be called totally meshuga (don’t know a nicer way to put it)as to not know how to take care of themselves. When they don’t know right from left then they don’t know right from wrong either. Otherwise my personal opinion is that no one has the right to do aveiros under the guise of mental disease or other excuses. Take it or leave it.

How can you call this a double standard? Even if you went to Rabbi Weiss’s school and you are a Rabbah, you can’t pasken.

I didn’t extrapolate anything- you said -“mental disease is not an excuse for going OTD”. This is a P’sak Halacha

Maybe in your book this is psak halacha. In mine, if someone states an opinion I can agree with it or not, but I certainly don’t look at it as someone’s halachic psak.

What your saying is -mentally people are so twisted, that they know they are mentally ill and that they know they really can control themselves, but they want people to think that they went off because of their mental illness (which isn’t the case acc. to you) in order to fool everyone why they went off.

I don’t think they want to fool anybody. Some people use their mental illness as an excuse for going OTD.

Or are you saying people like pretending they are mentally ill, when they are not.

I never said that. I only said in previous posts that sometimes the underlying roots of the mental illnesses are not addressed.

People or even YOU saying that guy’s crazy doesn’t mean anything.

Whatever that means.

I never heard a person who was OTD say -“I’m OTD because I’m mentally ill.

Because you didn’t hear any body say that, does that mean that they could use mental illness as an excuse for going OTD? What’s your point?

People only admit to mental illness when they have a real diagnosis.

Obviously. Who said otherwise?

This sounds twisted to me and you call yourself “Clearheaded”!

This is the second time you are commenting on my posting name. I see it bothers you. Truthfully, I don’t like this posting name myself. I registered under that name once when I wanted to comment on a news post and was too lazy to try to change it untill the name really got on my nerves and I tried again yesterday, but it didn’t work.

But when I saw your post today I got second thoughts of changing the posting name and thought of davka leaving it like that.

But it would be immature on my part to not try to change a posting name that annoys me just because an anonymous poster has a bone of contention to pick.