Reply To: Making Stuff Up and Sources

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This is no chumra and geder. This is an aveira mamish straight out of Shulchan Aruch

Actually, it’s NOT in the Shulchan Aruch. It’s in the Rema on Shulchan Aruch — and there, as I pointed out, it’s mentioned in an off-hand manner in an off-topic discussion and presented as a “yesh omrim” — in other words, not a universal opinion.

and the Kitzur S”A

Ah, but halacha does not always follow the Kitzur.

that will earn a person a free 11 month stay in a well heated area after 120.

Wow! You claim to know that for the sin of holding my wife’s hand in public that I will not only go to hell, but get the full 11 month treatment! You must be a real Navi with the ability to sense what’s going on Machorai HaPargud.

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

The Wolf