Reply To: Bilaam

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tomim tihye

Rav Hirsch, ztz”l, offers an explanation that combines and embellishes all of the above offerings, especially Mod 80’s.

Wolf and Interested Others, it’s best if you looked it up yourselves, but I’ll give it a shot:

A novi is a concentrated form of the essence of the people he represents. Klal Yisroel represents servitude to Hashem; the Umos Ha’olam represent Anochiyis- serving oneself. For them, Hashem is a Force to be reckoned with, Someone good to have on their side so they can be successful in this world.

Thus, when the Nations asked for a parallel to Moshe, they were asking for a leader who will help them achieve success in life, actualize their essence. This Bilaam accomplished to perfection; he “reckoned with G-D” and freed them to pursue their desires.

Had they truly desired greatness, they would have looked toward Moshe as their leader as Yisroel is “Ohr LaGoyim”.

(With gratitude to my husband for sharing this with me.)