Reply To: Non-Jewish Jewish Music

Home Forums Music Non-Jewish Jewish Music Reply To: Non-Jewish Jewish Music


I’m so happy this subject was brought up!

yitay- I dont know about al pi halacha but i know that fyi throughout all the doros the style of music was taken from where they came from. Persians have their music many chassidim that stem from russia – have russain sounding nigunim… the tune ko echsof which was made up i think by one of the Karliner rebbes – he heard a shephard singing it longing … but it all CAN be implemented in the right way. today unfortunately american music is all jazz and rock with no taam whatsoever. and many of the Jewish singers just go along with it all using words from most kodesh places with JAZZ!!! it really gets me upset when the words simply don’t match the tune, i mean you can have nice leibidige music that DOES have a yiddeshe taam, it doesnt have to be a contradiction, unfortunately some think otherwise.