Reply To: Non-Jewish Jewish Music

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I actually just ask my posek if anywhere in tanach goyish music is assured and the answer was no. However, he did say that it is a sensitivity, one of those things “in the spirit of the law”. There can be beautiful goyish music…

now before one of you mentioned that there cant be tuma in music.. Unfortunately i once heard a goyish real disgusting untznius song and being sensitive to music i heard it and it really bothered me (some people, believe it or not just don’t notice it). how would you explain all the horrible lyrics and music that sounds so angry that is there? Isn’t that what klal yisroel are all about? we ELEVATE the gashmiyus!!!? Priests and nuns don’t get married, we do, monks fast… we eat lavish shabbis and yom tov meals… clothing… the list is endless!