Reply To: Chinuch- The "middle child syndrome"

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I think the main thing to keep in mind is, he’s only 5! Middle, end, oldest, he’s a little kid growing up in a very big world.

The best thing you can give him now is private time. No “tell me what happend today” no, “what are you feeling right now”; just time spent away from the rest of the family. And not when you / spouse is running errands. Real time (even as little as 15 minutes) devoted to him alone. Make a point of telling him you’re shutting your cell phone, becuase you don’t want to be disturbed (not sure if a 5 year old can grasp the cell phone part, but with kids being as savvy as they are today, he just might).

But as LM (and others will concur) Daven, daven, daven! (FYI – my batch is teens and above, and I still rely on syata dishmaya for the rough spots)
