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I never mentioned Ruach Shtuss in any of my posts -you’re confusing me with someone else

Sorry about that Health. I used the wrong word , ruach shtuess. My point was that just as you apply the halachos of dan l’kaf zchus for those who have mental disease and go OTD, let’s also apply those halachas to the girls in your story and then nobody takes the blame for anything anymore.

Also, if life is not about finding excuses, why do you always find excuses for all those that in your head are always right?

I excuse myself for doing the wrong thing as in the situation above for example, but otherwise I’m not trying to find excuses nor make psak halachos.

I’m just stating my opinions. I think that is the point of the CR.

Also, it’s not an anomaly for kids to make fun of everything and anything; it’s a common, everday occurance in Yeshivas and Bais Yaacovs!

You’re totaly right. Unfortunately that’s a common occurance. What I meant to say that the frum students are light years ahead when they’re older and maturer. Obviously the younger kids are, the less they can behave in the proper manner as they are not developed enough to make proper decisions. I’m not saying it never happens when the sudents are older either, but generally, frum students are better behaved than public school students.