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I attended a Chassidish high school.

Out of 30 girls only one went OTD.

I dont think we need to make major changes just for such a small minority.

We can always try to make improvements in the chinuch system, but a major overhaul we do not need.

The chinuch system is working wonderfully. I am b”H very satisfied with my kids school. There was one teacher I thought was absolutely terrible and ignored my child who bacame very withdrawn that year. I was very angry. But a one of my daughter’s classmates mother raved about how good of a teacher she was. Life is not black and white always. You can’t always win. Such situations are teachable moments too for kids. I always say that life is not exactly how we want it to run and kids need to realize that and know how to deal with such situations and not collapse when the slighest thing goes wrong. School is a breeding ground for such lessons.

All in all, I think most schools are doing a great job of educating the Yiddishe doros. Most principals and students do care about there students and try their best. Yes there are definitely some mechanchim that should absolutely not be in that field and need to find other jobs. But those are the exceptions.