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College is definitely appropriate for those who need a parnassah (which is most of Benei Yisro’el according to Berachos 35b). Learning full time is only for the top of the top. People are supporting kollel and they expect to receive sechar Talmud Torah in return (it’s a Yisachar Zevulon relationship). If a person is learning full time and is being supported by a kollel and other Jews, any minute that is wasted that he should be learning, and anytime he is not learning to full capacity is geneivah (I personally believe that all kollelim should have time cards and bechinos, and those who don’t live up to their responsibilities shouldn’t get paid). Learning full time is a wonderful thing, but again, it’s only for the best of the best. Everyone of course should be learning every day (each according to what he is able to), but there is nothing wrong with learning a trade and getting a job (nowadays that usually entails college), that’s what most Jews are supposed to be doing.