Reply To: Bungalow Colonies / Summer Vacation Problems

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Most people do not do what they don’t normally do at home. However bungalow colonies are a business and if there are empty bungalows the owner will rent it and not ask too many questions or give too many rules. You can always wind up with a crowd that is not 100% but rather mixed with different levels of hashkafa and tznius. So if everyone is not following the same rules it can cause a huge problem. The best thing is to stick to your beliefs and be strong about it. If the owner of the place rents to people who don’t follow the rules, then let him know that he will lose the crowd that he already has if he doesn’t respect and accommodate the crowd with similar tenants.

Another issue arises when units are owned and then rented out. If there are no specific rules in the association book about who can rent the units, there can be the same type of situation and the board will have to figure out a solution.

People who usually let their guard down in the country usually go to the same colonies as others who believe in doing the same. WE have spoken too many times about judging others and not being able to change others. We can’t control what others do, we can only be the best role models we can be. WE will give OUR din v’cheshbon after 120 and they will do the same. Nothing is hidden from Hashem. There really is no point in talking about it because WE can’t change what others do.

I stay in Miami Beach for 3 months in the winter and I can tell you that there are so many frum, yeshivish and Chasidish people who have no clue that Hashem is in their hearts, minds, bodies and souls and it doesn’t matter where they are, where they live and where they travel to. He is with them wherever they go. Never mind that there is no mechitza around the pool, not only do they jump in the pool mixed company or not, but they go in without a cover-up just in a bathing suit. Some women with hair covered and some not, but their bodies are not covered with anything more than a bathing suit. And men are jumping in with long beard and payos whether women are in the pool or not. How do we explain that to the 4 and 5 year olds at the pool? And we are concerned about men and women conversing in the country.