Reply To: Catskills Wal-Mart

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I’m one of those American looking guys (my color scheme is not black) and thank g-d I don’t go up to the Catskills to witness this chilul hashem and more. The bottom line is the lack of Yiras Shamayim; and also how you were raised and how you raise your children.

Tzinius is not just in clothing but it’s also drawing attention to yourself in all matters. It means talking softly and not on a cell phone when on a store line or on a bus.

Yiras Shamayim doesn’t just mean having your tzitzus out and not obeying rules whether it’s taxes or double parking or geneivas das – learning gemara was not meant to help you find a clever drei with which you rationalize your illegal behavior.

I have observed that Yiras Shamayim and rudeness go hand and hand. The same people whose actions have been described in the postings above are also the people who talk in shul and chalila if someone should ask them to refrain.

So what happens when people go to the county? There is no accountability, no rav, and hefkeirus breeds hefkeirus.