Reply To: Sheitels in Halacha

Home Forums Bais Medrash Sheitels in Halacha Reply To: Sheitels in Halacha


It is pretty clear that there are valid reasons for holding both that a nice human hair sheitel is assur as well as that it is muttar.

However personally I always felt that Jewish people should be proud to look distinctly “Jewish” (and dressing like a distinguished 18th century German is not what I mean)even if they arn’t religious at all. I mean you see Indian woman dressing distinctly eastern all over New York and our culture and religion is at least as rich as theirs so why should we be ashamed? even if you arn’t religious at all you should be proud to be a Jew and dress the part.

Wearing a nice scarf that looks distincly “Jewish” is probably more like that then trying to blend in wearing an as natrual looking as possible headcovering (or wearing none at all.)….. But then again I think most Chareidim are against the whole Jewish Pride thing… so whatever.