Reply To: Sheitels in Halacha

Home Forums Bais Medrash Sheitels in Halacha Reply To: Sheitels in Halacha

Dave Hirsch

Just a short note: All of you denouncing wigs (in any way) and claiming no Poskim would tell you it’s Muttar. Before we get to the Poskim of today (with some even stating wigs as the most Mehudar), the Shiltei Giborim is someone you should think about before arguing. He was in the same generation as the Beis Yosef and one of the leading Poskim of his times. He is the ‘Rosh Hamatirim’ and he writes that hair (which isn’t connected to skin) is not an Erva. Again, if you want to follow the Be’er Sheva (known as the ‘Rosh Haosrim’) fine, but don’t claim to know better than the Shiltei Giborim (the Rema, Magen Giborim, Magen Avraham, Ba’al HaTanya to name a few).