Reply To: Cell phones for children (or parents)

Home Forums Family Matters Cell phones for children (or parents) Reply To: Cell phones for children (or parents)


What in the world is so bad if a kid uses a payphone to call someone? Why should a kid or an adult be taught to feel that he or she is too good to use a payphone for a phone call when they are away from home? when I was a kid, that’s all we ever used and we never dreamed we were missing out. We felt privileged that we got to use the payphone when we had our turn.

If a person complains that the payphone doesn’t afford enough privacy, then you have to wonder, what kind of a call is the kid or adult making that they are scared someone might overhear? Calling any normal call (parents/broker/bank/harmless amusement/etc) should not be a matter of national security that the person should be paralyzed with fear that someone might have an interest to overhear. I remember using payphones when I was involved in dating in yeshiva and found it very comfortable. The very need for utmost privacy for phone calls goes towards my concerns that kids (or adults) shouldn’t have cell phones in the first place.

Besides, payphones are set up everywhere still. There isn’t a decent yeshiva/ Bais yaakov or Camp that doesn’t make sure to have plenty of payphones available for their children. Plus I see them all over the streets and every public location. Obviously, many people are still using payphones. Why must frum yiden be too good to simply also utilize payphones?