Reply To: Cell phones for children (or parents)

Home Forums Family Matters Cell phones for children (or parents) Reply To: Cell phones for children (or parents)


Ironic that so many people believe that by giving kids a cell phone they somehow have protection from all harm while it’s the very act of having a cell phone that puts them most in harms way.

For an adult to believe that carrying a cell phone gives them safety and security (There’s an app for making a gun sound) is just too stupid to comment on. Where is it brought down that carrying a cell phone is a shmira? How will it protect you from being mugged or being run over by a bus or getting in a car accident? To the contrary, driving while talking / texting is very unsafe. walking while on the phone makes you much less aware of your surroundings and people nearby which makes you all the more vulnerable to being mugged or getting run over.

I’ve never seen a yeshiva or camp that doesn’t have many payphones available for the kids. They are very available in schools and camps. Primarily because 99% of all camps and schools understand that cell phones are a very unhealthy thing for the kids to have and they make it their business to have an adequate # of payphones available.