Reply To: Cell phones for children (or parents)

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Where did the question of ahavas yisroel come in? I love yiden more than anything regardless if they make mistakes or not. It’s precisely because I love yiden and care about yiden (even all of those I don’t personally know) that I care so much to see people keep themselves out of harm’s way. giving kids (and in most cases adults too) access to cell phones is a quick way to ruination. To the contrary, it’s a lack of love to be indifferent & irresponsible to the safety & welfare of yidishe children by being the “nice” parent/principal and let them have cell phones just because they want it.

Some of you mention the fact that a yid is special if he lives a “good life” and we should be happy when we see someone is a shomer shabbos. do you know how many kids are mechalel shabbos directly or indirectly because they have cell phones? There are many reports of kids (and adults) who go under their covers or into a bathroom on Friday night and text or surf the internets most vile websites all shabbos night.

So many of our children end up hanging out in the worse places with the worse “friends” only because they had an introduction and a continuing source of communication with bad influences. These problems came about and continue to progress because of them having cell phones.

Its not a question of trusting your kids (or yourself) or if your kids are from a “good cut” and “wouldn’t do bad things”. Its a simple fact that if they have access and communication with the filth and addictions and problems that are so available in the world, they are then at those temptations mercy.

As far as a yeshiva or a Bais Yaakov or a camp not having payphones for the students; I myself see most of those places making sure to have payphones. They don’t cost that much and are an absolute necessity for the schools and camps to have available. Without making payphones available for their kids, they are almost encouraging cell phones. Payphones are not all that costly. Many times they are free of charge to have them installed. Why don’t they just call some of the other Yeshivas or camps and ask where they get their payphone service from?