Reply To: Cell phones for children (or parents)

Home Forums Family Matters Cell phones for children (or parents) Reply To: Cell phones for children (or parents)


the issues of at-risk kids and why kids go off the derech? It has nothing to do with technology and cell phones. It does have to do with other issues such as lack of self esteem and self confidence. It has to do with abuse and molestation. It has to do with humiliation by people in authority. It has to do with dysfunctional and abusive families. It has to do with getting lost in the crowd and having yiddishkeit shoved down their throats instead of shown in a manner of ahava and simcha. It has to do with not being taught the joy of yiddishkeit and why we do what we do. It has do with loss and not understanding or not being shown the compassion necessary to deal with it. It has do with being hurt and having internal pain grow out of proportion and not having anyone in their daled amos notice and care until that pain is overwhelming and all consuming so much so that it explodes and causes the child to run and try to rip their own identity away from themselves. It has to do with parents that throw them out instead of loving them unconditionally. It has to do with people loving their children more than they love the the opinions of their neighbors and friends. It has to do with adults in their lives who are hypocrites and not the proper role models they should be.

Kids are affected by all forms of physicality that parents choose to surround themselves with from the way they decorate their homes to the cars they drive and it has nothing to do with the cell phone in their pocket. That is a very small issue.

And as far as cheit hameraglim, you hit the nail on the head! Whenever you have spies, they are going to speak loshon horah! BINGO! And whenever you start a thread criticizing other people, you are going to lead people down a path of loshon horah. That is exactly my point, because whether they say who they are talking about or not, they are thinking it!