Reply To: Debate via Email with Rabbi A. Kraus of Neturei Karta

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Debate via Email with Rabbi A. Kraus of Neturei Karta Reply To: Debate via Email with Rabbi A. Kraus of Neturei Karta


The second someone stands with our sworn enemies and embraces them, he becomes my enemy. Period. I do not care one whit what his reasoning may be, if he is right or wrong, if he has a valid viewpoint or not. Let him present his view in a kosher way, NOT by hugging the people who blow up pregnant schoolteachers who just want to buy a slice of pizza, or a doctor (who might have previously even saved those monsters’ relatives’ lives) and his daughter on the day before her wedding. If you want to find a zechus for such sinas Yisroel on the part of another Yid,(in the guise of kana-us,yet!), find another forum.