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Yes, but in this world we have the principle of consistency based on experience.

Man walks into street. Man gets hit by car.

Man walks into street. Man gets hit by car.

Man learns the principle of large object, squishing small object. This applies for everything in our world.

But what experience do we have with the realm of divine? ZERO!

Logically speaking, you have just elaborate the agnostic approach. We cannot know if there is or is not a God. Just like we don’t know if we are the cosmic dream of an ant. Can you tell me if we are or are not?

And just because my tools of existence are all I have, does that mean that I can apply to something which is by definition beyond them? If God is unknowable via logic, just because logic works elsewhere, what good is logic for God?

Unless we assume there is a God, who wants us to know Him, – ah ha, he must make himself Knowable to me via those highly limited tools, because He wants me to know Him, and will present Himself to me in a way I can perceive.

But if we know nothing about Him – why should he care? Maybe I can’t know anything about him? Again, just because I cross the street- what does that have to with him?

We need to assume God, then get logical.