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thanks everyone for answering.

I have to say these answers have really helped me, i especially appreciated what kapusta said about certain things from childhood affecting what the person does later in life. Just to expound on that, i guess we have not come here to enjoy olam hazeh, we’ve come here to develop ourselves and become as close to Hashem as we can through our worldly obsticles and challenges. Hashem knows what situation will be the most helpful in that way to each of His children, and although it may pain Him He does it because that is the situation that that person needs in order to fulfill his whole potential in avodas Hashem. Although i still feel that the situation is sad it really makes me feel better and understand that what looks bad is nothing but pure good in disguise.

Wellinformedyid – i agree with you that these kinds of questions are an insult to Hashem, which is why i really thought about not asking. But i realized that the only thing that could happen as a result is that some Torah wisdom is shared about the righteous workings of Hashem which could help others who were struggling in simple emuna, even if they didn’t have my particular question. I feel that when tough questions exist within a person, no matter how sad it is or how ashamed they may be that they have that question – the only way for that question to be resolved is either by waiting to find out through ones experience or learning, or by asking the question out loud.

The Torah as well is a huge control room with a million buttons that we can’t understand. Is that therefore a reason for us ch”v not to ask questions on the Torah because we can’t understand all of it anyway?