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“The same challenges that Hashem put before each human as a stepping stone to grow, can be claimed by some as THE CAUSE for making them slip down the slippery slope of sin.”

So let me ask you: Does a child born into a family of highway robbers and murderers who knows nothing of wrong and right and certainly not about the Torah, for whom there is no contact with the outside world; does this child have the same bechira as you and me? I would not believe you if you said yes. Even R’ Dessler said there is no such thing as absolute, all-encompassing bechira. There is one point in which we have bechira, and that point varies based on our past experiences and our environment. Outside that we do not have full bechira. Who said everything that causes one to fall was a challenge he could have overcome? Hashem may not hold a person responsible for such a fall, and only hold him responsible when he falls at the point of his bechira. All we know is that there is bechira, not that is encompasses every choice a person ever makes. And the truth is, you can never, ever know for sure if a person did something with his bechira or not, unless you are a navi. It’s difficult enough to know yourself.