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oomis1105 – “When we say Eilu V’Eilu we are acknowledging that Hashem gave the T”CH the authority to pasken as they see fit… They cannot both be right at the bottom line.”

Again, do you have a source for this? Or did you just make this explanation up because you don’t understand the other one?

“MW13, I do not chalilah look down upon anyone who is ultra frum, machmir or whatever you wish to call it.”

“I know many areas that I need to work on, but it is because I am clearly NOT following the halacha properly (like being nichshal in Loshon Hara), not because I am doing the right thing, but think I will be better if I work on myself and adopt stricter guidelines to follow. When we do that we are actually CHAS V’SHOLOM diminishing the Torah, by implying that it is not good enough as is.”

What?! How is making gedarim to protect the halacha showing disrespect?! And how can you possibly say that making gedarim is wrong, when it is clearly suggested in the first mishnahof Pirkei Avos?!

What?! I quote: “people who are machmir look upon the rest of us no-goodniks who are merely following the Torah, as lesser Yidden… It is a singular gaiveh… you have regarded yourself with gaivah”

“I see the kulos as following the Torah as Hashem instructed us to follow it.”

I see kulos as meeting the requirements of halacha, and chumros as exceeding the minimum requirements.

“The very fact that you feel compelled to respond to what I write, shows how you feel.”

Huh? Shows that I feel what?