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Helpful: “nobody on this thread indicated they read Reb Moshe’s teshuva and disputes the “interpertation”. In fact there is nothing to “interpert”.”

I quote:

“Just checked the teshuvos in Reb Moshe, and in at least two of them he says that frum people (yirei shamayim) who do shake hands hold that it is not derech chiba and we should be dan them lchaf zchus. However, he finds it hard to rely on this heter. He says I don’t see a contradiction to the fact that I was matir buses, because there it is not derech chiba for just about everybody.

(Please note that your writing makes it seem like Reb Moshe is screaming that shaking hands is terrible, and NOT comparable to buses, etc. However, the actual language is much more gentle and understanding, and clearly there is what to rely on for another Rov to pasken differently. It is all a matter of judgment as to how much derech chiba there is in a handshake. He doesn’t say asur lismoch al zeh or chas vshalom lismoch al zeh. He says kasheh lismoch al zeh.)”

“No one of stature disagrees with Rav Moshe.”

Really? Have you checked every single halacha sefer written in that time? And many of them don’t have indexes like the Iggros Moshe does, so you’d need to know the entire sefer! Again, you are no posaik, don’t argue with those who are.