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Wow myfriend, I totally disagree.

1) Look for a person with a plan and a general idea of how to get there. That doesn’t mean the person can’t change the plan, but it helps that they have thought out their path. This generally speaks to a persons maturity.

2) Look for a person you can comfortably converse with and be open with. Open/good communication is probably the most important thing in a marriage.

3) Look at a person’s middos. Does he/she get annoyed by every stupid little thing? Do they help open doors? Are they polite to waiters and others around them? Watch them when they drive.

4) Ask the person about their goals. Do you want to be/have a stay at home mom? Career woman? Kollel? Talk about the large scale goals in life.

5) Ask them about negative experiences in their lives and how they handled it. You can learn a lot about a person from their negative side. Every person has one and its good to look at what their “worst” is.

6) Be honest about what you are or are not willing to compromise on.

Look for a happy, mentschlich person who can communicate well. And look for a person you think you can love.