Reply To: Divorce Crisis

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Stop getting married? JOKE. I can think of a couple things, and this does not apply to the chassidishe velt. First, maybe couples should spend a little more time getting to know each other. Because of the pressure from our society, too many are rushing to get married lest they are “left behind”. Second is maturity. Some girls are more mature at 18 than others that are 21 or 22, and vice versa. I don’t even need to mention the maturity (or lack of) of the boys. A parent should be able to tell if their child is mature and ready to get married. Third is the parnasa issue (and I know I will get alot of flak), but if a boy gets married at 20 and decides to spend a year in Israel (or Lakewood or wherever) learning, its different than a boy who is 22 or older. At this age, the young man (unless he really is the R’ Moshe), should be out there attempting to earn a living and support his family. There is too much pressure on the young women out there especially when the babies start arriving. And lastly, people really need to be honest when asked about a potential shidduch. If there are skeletons in the closet and they remain hidden, someone is going to get hurt. Thats my .02