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Sorry to scare you, but yes it is scary.
There is allot that you don’t know about yourself yet (so how can you expect to know it about your spouse);
(some may not apply to you)
1) How you function on 2 hours sleep every night?
2) How you function under financial stress?
3) After being taught your whole life to avoid members of the opposite gender, you now have to be around one of them for the better part of every day, how will you relate to your spouse?
4) How will you relate to having another set of parents (your in-laws) who are not your biological parents?
5) Think about all the responsibilities you never had before – car insurance, health insurance, home owners insurance, rent/ mortgage… it can be very stressful handling them all.
6) As much as people think they know how to raise children- all kids are different and there are no instruction manuals. As much as you and your spouse talk and think you are on the same page before the next generation comes around- once they arrive you may have totally different views.
7) When I was single if I had a tough day, I just wanted to be left alone (go for a long drive or walk all by myself). You can’t do that when you’re married.
If I had to offer some advice- make sure there is nothing that is blinding you from seeing the other persons faults. Try imagining this persons personality with the face of someone you find unappealing (I tried it and it worked for me), see if you still like their personality.
And no, I don’t think it takes two to tangle, I think one is enough!