Reply To: The Girls Parents Supporting

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I’m sick and tired of all these people bringing up the same old learner-earner, live-off-the-parents argument. It’s usually either someone who can’t afford to support, or it’s someone who is working hard to make a buck and has a hard time with the fact that others are learning.

Ignorant people actually tend to focus on the issues that they hear about. I don’t think it’s any of your business if my husband learns or works. How we make things work (with me and my two degrees) is not your concern. And if my neighbor needs government programs to get by, well, so do lots of other people in this economy.

I’m not saying there aren’t flaws in the system- but that’s the point: there are flaws in EVERY area of our society, no matter what your lifestyle.

Torah is paramount. No matter what. If parents CHOOSE to support, or decide to do so out of social pressure, it’s their problem. Not YOUR issue to air out in public so that everyone will start dishing out horror stories of overworked kollel couples. It’s a beautiful life. For as long as we can manage.

Sorry if I sound mad. But enough is enough.