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ramateshkolian –

Thanks for bringing this up, now I can rant about one of my favorite pet peeves: Newly Weds Moving To Israel

I am yet to be convinced why this is a good/sane/ideal situation. For an american couple to live in Israel it costs close to double than to live in America if being supported. Also, most of the time (for Americans) the girls cant find jobs (and if the do they make about 10 shek an hour, $2.50 in a good economy)

I have heard the argument that they should be able to “lean” on eachother with out their parent nearby (besides the fact that this is rediculous sounding) so move to a diff city in America! no need to be in a diff country, diff language diff culture!

I have heard the “kedush argument”. Girls -Let me assure you (friends and family have confirmed) that once you start having the kids and even before hand you are busy running a house, making suppers… you dont have time to run to the kosel every time you feel like davening mincha, you dont go on kevarim tours every yartzheit, it isnt Seminary any more! And for the guys, I am sure you will learn just as nicely in a nice kollel in America, plus you will have your precious extra money to tide you over.

Sorry about the sarcasm, I just think its a complete waste of money, and an even bigger mishagass.