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A friend of ours ( a widow ) was marrying off her daughter. Her problem? she had limited means and the mechutin ” had ” 400 guests to invite and wanted a 50/50 split. Our friend followed our advise.

She had a cordial meeting with her mechutin at which time she said all I can pay is cccc and I will not go into debt.

The mechutin agreed.

Another friend had mechutin who said, don’t worry, we’ll work things out bu, as the wedding date neared, the mecutin kept inviting more people but wouldn’t pay. Mt friend figured that after the wedding, he would no longer have ant leverage. 2 weeks before the wedding, he informed his mechutin that they would only be permitted 20 couples, including themselves. Any couple not on the list would not be permitted entry. Ultimately, the mechutin paid