Reply To: Time to Strengthen the Border Communities of Eretz Yisrael!

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Time to Strengthen the Border Communities of Eretz Yisrael! Reply To: Time to Strengthen the Border Communities of Eretz Yisrael!


Kol HaKavod Yosef. This open letter that you wrote is so well thought out. You write that you are a former soldier. I want to thank-you for defending our land.

I live in the western Negev, an Yishuv 10 km. from Asa. During the last war this area in the Western Negev was bombarded with Kassams and grad missiles. We had a grad missile land down the street from us. Another landed a block away. Residents of Sedrot have been tortured for the past 9 years and finally our government said enough and went into Gaza, but unfortunately they didn’t finish the job and the kassams and mortars are still falling and Gilad Shalit is still in the hands of our enemy.

My grandchildren who live in this area learn in bomb fortified classrooms and have had many kassams land in their school yard.

Another daughter lives in Gush Etzion, 15 minutes from Jerusalem. The gush is one of the most beautiful parts of our Holy country. Go into the communities of Bat Ayin, Efrat, Alon Shuvt,& the many other Yushuvim and see beautiful Jewish religious children learning, playing and loving our land.

You are correct in saying that if G-D forbid Yehuda and Shomron were to be evacuated, hamas would just come in closer to Jerusalem, Bnai Brak and the rest of the country. Look what happened when we gave up Gush Katif…….the rockets didn’t stop, they just increased and have been able to go further into the country.

Our government today must be strong and stand up to the Americans, E.U. and U.N. These countries do not have our best interests at heart. When we decide to put our faith in Hashem instead of the world and say Israel is a Jewish country and will always remain a Jewish country, the land is Holy, a gift from Hashem, Moshiach will come and there will be peace.

Thank-you for posting your letter and making people on this list aware of the dangers in Eretz Yisrael. Am Yisrael Chai!