Reply To: Rav Nachman Of Breslov – The Heavy Weight Of Apikursos

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Rav Nachman Of Breslov – The Heavy Weight Of Apikursos Reply To: Rav Nachman Of Breslov – The Heavy Weight Of Apikursos


Equating intellectualism with apikursus is quite unfair and misguided, but understandable. Some intellectuals/academics/philosphers are apikorsim, but not all.

The fundamental difference is Emunah. It is possible to both wonder and still believe that there is an answer that involves G-d. Those of us who do have questions and do not stifle them, but seek out the answers, are not apikorsim so long as we do not allow the doubt to lead to agnosticism.

As with any other example of relating to people, things look different to the people on the outside. So to non-intellectuals, it is just as hard to distinguish between the type of intellectual pursuit as it is for them to join the discussion itself.