Reply To: Rabbi Yehuda Levin – Open Discussion

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Rabbi Yehuda Levin – Open Discussion Reply To: Rabbi Yehuda Levin – Open Discussion


BP Totty:


Agudath Israel of America claims to the POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT that they represent Orthodox Judaism and Orthodox Jewish values and are led by and follow the words of the great rabbinic leaders.


For Agudath Israel of America’s President and other members of their Executive Board to fundraise for Christine Quinn (an open alternative lifestyle advocate and of practice) is to say that ORTHODOXY condones and supports such behaviors. Behaviors that the Torah says are abominable. ORTHODOX JUDAISM does NOT condone abominable behaviors, Agudath Israel of America might, but this is not what practicing, religious, Orthodox Jews practice.

Rabbi Levin’s statement highlighted to the world that Agudath Israel of America represents a fringe element of Orthodox Judaism, and not chas veshalom all of Orthodoxy.

Rabbi Levin’s words WERE TOO TRUE, they hit Agudath Israel in the face hard. This is the only reason Zweibel released a statement against Rabbi Levin.