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I think its a pretty big accusation to make that the Satmar Rebbe and the Agudah Rabbonim and all the other Rabbanim that have been ok with pro gay or gay candidates are going against the Torah. Let’s stop being so ARROGANT and maybe ask some of those Gedolim or even our own Rovs what the Heter is. If Daas Torah is ok with it then obviously it is us who is wrong and we lack understanding. This is not a simple topic and obviously there are many things to take into consideration.

By supporting a candidate or endorsing one we in no way say we are in agreement on ALL the issues, just that we feel this candidate is more beneficial to the needs OF OUR COMMUNITY.

Everybody knows homosexuality is assur according to the Torah and nobody will think “oh if the Jew support this candidate it must be that homosexuality is mutar” and if they do its their problem for being ignorant because our Torah says that Homosexuality is assur and the Christians believe in the old Testament and also agree its assur, so what will be lost by voting for a pro gay candidate?

You are forgetting, at issue is marriage not whether its legal or illegal to be gay! The gays will keep on doing what they do whether gay marriage becomes voted into law or not. If you think about it, this won’t effect the amount of gay people there are. Its not like the second it becomes legal all of a sudden millions will become gay because they can marry a gay person. We all agree that that is absurd? So in reality gay marriage will not effect the spiritual atmosphere that much if at all. We have to keep educating our kids about what’s right and wrong regardless of what the non Jews do.

In reality it is the Torah learning that controls the world and keeps things at bay. Its our job to do what’s necessary to make sure Torah learning continues and grows. That’s the best way to fight Homosexuality or any other immorality.